Monday, March 28, 2011

Trading Scars With the Hardcore Legend

Despite this being the internet, the "hardcore legend" mentioned in the title is a pro wrestling so anyone that is now disappointed that this post is still about wrestling can stop reading the blog. The legend I'm talking about is a former three time world champion and surprisingly, a New York Times #1 best selling author, Mick Foley. I guess it's even more surprising that wrestling fans can read, but than again, maybe some of them just look at the pictures in the books.

Ridiculous references aside, Foley has been wrestling over two decades and is known for taking more risk than just about anyone in the business. From explosions in Japan, to missing half of an ear in a match in Germany, to main stream success in the WWE, Foley is considered a legend in the industry. Aside from all his wrestling and literary accomplishments. Mick is known for being one of the nicest people in the business and has helped many charities as well as visiting injured troops. Who would have thought that someone that was the IWA Japan King of the Deathmatch would also be a humanitarian?

So, how does one actually trade scars with a hardcore legend? If you were brave enough to read past the missing ear in Germany then continue reading and you will get the answer. In 2004, Foley was scheduled to appear for the International Wrestling Cartel in Butler, PA as a special guest referee at the show. Foley is one of my favorite wrestlers and I went to the show, hoping to get a chance to meet the hardcore legend. Before the show, Foley was signing autographs for the fans and since I had some leg surgery when I was younger, I said that if I ever got the chance to meet Mick Foley, I would show him one of the surgery scars because he was known for scars during his career. As I got to the table to meet Mick he was really cool and as he was signing the book that I brought, I told him that I had some surgery and I had scars too. I asked Mick if I could show him a scar considering he's a legend and Mick said "sure." My mom reminded me that Mick was busy (Hey, I was 14 meeting a legend, in the moment I didn't realize there was a long line behind us) and before I could agree that Mick was too busy, he said "I have time for him" so I walked behind the table and showed him one of the surgery scars on my legs. Mick thought they were cool and I thanked him for the autograph. I also got a picture with him at the show and he was really cool. I've also met him two other times and while I didn't mention the scars, he was really cool each time I've met him.

I don't know how many people can say that they've showed a scar to a hardcore legend, but it was awesome.
Here's a clip of Foley