Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome To The Business

If you were brave enough to read the first blog then you know that I said I would try to provide an entertaining blog even if someone isn't a wrestling fan. Well, hopefully you will find this at least somewhat entertaining, but more than anything, it's probably an indication that I really should have read more books instead of getting involved in wrestling. I could write about being involved with the local wrestling scene in chronological order, but then again, I wanted to tell you something that might give you a better indication of what you can expect from this blog.

A year after becoming a photographer for the Pro Wrestling Xpress promotion,which runs shows about two minutes from Penn State Greater Allegheny, I heard about a new promotion staring in Butler, PA, where Far North Wrestling runs shows and I helped out at their shows setting up before so I was familiar with the type of wrestling crowds in Butler, a family type of crowd. This new promotion was called "Extreme Wrestling Alliance," which is a blatant rip off of Extreme Championship Wrestling that was a national company, but closed in 2001. Since the demise of ECW, many company tried to copy it, but they all end up shutting down because people know a rip off when they see it. Knowning this and seeing that EWA had booked two former ECW "stars," I basically knew it wasn't going to work, but since I'm a communications major, I e mailed the EWA and asked them if they needed a commentator for the show. A few e mails later I was booked for the show and I was getting paid so even if it only lasted a few shows, at least it was a start. I even got a few of my buddies spots as "security guards," which worked out for everyone because I didn't know anyone at the show so I bought them along and they got into the show for free. This sounds as if it's going a little too much according to plan...

We arrived at the building at 5 pm with the bell time being at 7:30 and after we got there, we introduced ourselves to the "promoter," Joe Rogers. Over the next two hours, anytime we tried to ask the promoter a question, we would get a "I'll be right with you" response and literally thirty minutes before bell time, I did not have a run sheet of what was booked for the show. Thankfully, BC Steele, who works PWX too was also booked for the show and brought note cards about ten minutes before the show was going to start.

I called four matches and it was fun to get to work with Ben, who was also doing commentary for the show. Intermission started and the ring announcer said the two ECW "stars," Mahoney and Justin Credible would be taking Polaroids in the ring, but a few minutes later the ring was empty so I went to see what was going on towards the front of the building. I've seen some ridiculous things at a wrestling show, but as I got to the front of the building I was told that the promoter, Joe Rogers took the money and ran during intermission. After hearing this, I seen Mahoney, who was still bleeding from the match he wrestled a few minutes earlier, leaving a vulgar voice mail for the promoter. The phone call was captured on video and was posted on YouTube following the show, but was deleted. Eventually, the second half of the show was organized so that the fans didn't get ripped off, but there was no reason to commentate the rest of the show if it wasn't going to be on DVD so my buddy, Johanson and I left to go to the nearest restaurant to watch the UFC pay-per-view that was starting about thirty minutes after we left the building. Yes, the first show I get to work where I would get paid, the promoter runs away and no one gets paid. I told you I should have read books instead of watching wrestling.

To sum up this story, since this blog is getting too long and I doubt anyone will read this much of it anyway, the promoter did actually send me the money for the show six months after it and I appericate that he did the right thing to pay everyone for the show. Check back in a few days and I should have another post explaining how I actually got started announcing for some of the local wrestling promotions. Since I mentioned ECW in this post, if I can use technology correctly, I'm going to include a cool clip from the promotion. Thanks for taking the time to read the blog and I hope you will check back for the next post for the blog.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Finally started a blog...

Usually, if someone asked me about blogging, I would go on a rant about it being a self important element where some people try to talk about everything just because they think something they have to say is important. WHO CARES? would be my ending statement. However, in an attempt to become more modern with the technology based world and more importantly to get a good grade in a required class, I have finally started a blog. If you were brave enough to click the link for this blog, I want to say thank you. If you meant to click on a link above it and accidentally clicked this one, I want to say thank you anyway for at least reading this far.

Before this becomes a blog ranting about blogs, I guess I should tell anyone that actually read to the second paragraph the things I'm actually going to discuss. I'm a commentator for a few local wrestling promotions and some of the things that I've witnessed at shows can be entertaining even for someone that isn't a wrestling fan. My main goals for this blog are to get a good grade and to be entertaining for anyone that takes the time to read it.

I'll discuss local shows, main stream wrestling, some wrestling history, and probably the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Yes, I know the UFC is mixed martial arts rather than pro wrestling and there's obviously a major difference between the two sports, but if some UFC content appears, consider it a "bonus" for reading the wrestling stuff. Hopefully if technology cooperates (I'm sure we've all wanted to hit a computer with a steel chair at least once) I'll be able to post some YouTube videos as a way to add some extra things to the blog.

Check back over the next few days and hopefully, I will have some interesting stuff for you to read and all jokes aside, thank you for reading the blog.