Monday, February 14, 2011

Hey, Look Who's Under The Ring?

If there weren't fans then there would be no reason to have a show, but some fans get a little too rowdy and this story is a prime example of it. It was the Warriors debut show in January 2010 at the Ches-A-Rena in Cheswick, PA and the building was really cool with a stage. The lighting added to it and the show was good, but some of the building staff were too busy watching the show instead of doing their job. To increase the probability that there would be no problems with the crowd, there was a $15 all you can eat and drink, including beer, for the fans. Yeah, that was a good idea...

I was doing commentary with Jon Burton at ring side with the table set up next to the ring and in the front row, there was a group of fans that appeared to have paid the $15 for the all you can eat and drink at the building. About half way through the show, one of the fans walked up and sat down at the commentary table. JB and I were broadcasting for the DVD release and aside from the safety concerns, the fan being at the table could disrupt the broadcast. I told the fan it was a broadcast and that he would have to return to his seat. The fan did not return to his seat and it took JB going to look for security for the fan to go back to his seat. Problem solved right? Would this story be a blog post if that was the end of the story?

A few matches later, while the lights were down for an entrance, I look over and see the same fan crawling under the ring. A ring is made of metal and wood so it's extremely dangerous for a fan to be under the ring. I tried to tell JB, who was in the ring waiting to introduce the next match, but with the music, he didn't hear me and after that the fan crawled back from underneath the ring. The building staff should have been there to handle the situation, but since they were too busy watching the show, they didn't do anything. The fan didn't do anything else, other than look like an idiot for the rest of the show. Thankfully, there was no other fan incidents at the other Warriors shows.

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