Sunday, April 24, 2011

Anonymous Autograph

A few weeks ago, I was told that prior to the PWX show there were going to be a few interviews filmed for the website and they asked that I dress up for it so I did, considering it was the only time they asked me to dress up for a show. I always dress up for the FNW shows and I figured it would be cool to dress up for a PWX show too. The interview that was filmed was only five minutes and I wondered why they asked me to get dressed up for a five minute interview, but after wards I went to the commentary table to start calling the show.

During intermission, I was talking to wrestler, Tony Hansen and his mom when alot of the younger kids that were getting wrestlers to sign stuff wanted to get my autograph. I started signing everything they asked, notebook paper, Hansen pictures that I wasn't, and even a few shirts. It was cool that someone wanted my autograph and it was fun signing for the fans. As I was signing, one of the fans asked, "Are you a wrestler?" I said, "No, I'm an announcer." At this point, it became obvious that despite asking for an autograph, they had no idea who I was, but it was still cool to sign an autograph.

I guess because I was wearing a suit they thought I was someone important and it's probably another reason I should have read books instead of watching wrestling.

Here's a clip of one of the matches that I did commentary for

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