Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wrestlemania Review 27 Part 2

After the disappointing World Heavyweight title match, Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes was next and it was a decent match, but it was booked after a title match so it wasn't emphasized as much as it would have been if it was the opening match.

Following that, there was an eight man tag match and it was a three minute match. If a match is only getting three minutes of PPV time then why put the match on the show at all? More specifically, the Core has three titles, the IC and tag belts in the stable, but they were defeated in three minutes. Not only does it not make them into establish stars, it actually lessens the presentation that they are stars because they were defeated in a short match. I have to wonder, what was the logic of having a team with three titles be booked as basically jobbers on the biggest event on the WWE calendar?

Next up was CM Punk/Randy Orton and again, it seemed like a match that was booked between two debacles so it wasn't as emphasized as it could have been for the show. I've said it before and I will say it again, I'm not a fan of Orton and I think the pace of his in ring style is boring, but this was a decent match. Punk was defeated and it should be interesting to see if the WWE tries to put Orton back into the main event picture in the future.

The Jerry Lawler vs. Micheal Cole match was given way too much time and it certainly deserved the "boring" chant from the Atlanta crowd. The three minutes for the Core match should have been used here and the fact that it was given too much time really brought the show to a near halt in terms of momentum for the show. I understand that Cole's heel turn had months of build up, but it was Cole, who is an announcer and Lawler, despite being a wrestling legend is primarily an announcer.

The six person tag match that featured Snooki from the Jersey Shore was the celebrity involvement in the show, which is understandable because the WWE is trying to draw as many casual fans as possible, but this was another booking fumble.  John Morrison, who I think could be a main event star if given was push was in the match and had two moves during the bout. Snooki had more involvement in a match than one of the WWE's most talented young star, which doesn't make sense to me. However, I will give Snooki credit, the flip she did during the match was cool.

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