Wednesday, April 13, 2011

NEVER Stop at a Gas Station in Dayton, OH at 2 AM...

The next post of wrestling ridiculousness only partially involves a wrestling show and is more of an example of how filthy it is in the state of Ohio. November 30, 2008 was a trip where I and four other people packed into a car and left Pennsylvania to enter the disgusting state of Ohio to attend a Ring Of Honor show in Dayton that night.

After a four hour drive, we watched the show, including the insane green man, Delirious (pictured above) dive off of one of the scaffolds that was used for the lighting equipment. It was a decent show, but it was during a time when ROH was starting to struggle with booking so it wasn't exactly the best ROH show I've seen and even today, ROH still seems to struggle to maintain its draw being the top independent promotion, but still struggling in comparison to the multimillion dollar budgets that the WWE and TNA have to work with.

On our way back from the show, we stopped at a random gas station in the middle of no where so that we would have enough fuel to get home. We all went in to pick up something to drink and some snacks for the nearly three hours left of the trip. As I selected a Snapple ice tea to keep me hydrated for the ride back, I saw something that I doubt would even be a part of a movie script. There was a sign that said "Asian massage" with an arrow pointing down a hall way. Yes, an Asian massage at a gas station in Dayton, OH and to make things even creepier, it was nearly 2 AM when we saw the sign. Who knows the unspeakable things that have probably taken place down the hall way? But no one was brave enough to find out, which was probably a good decision.

This story has a rather ironic conclusion as a few months later, I was at an International Wrestling Cartel show in Elizabeth, PA and Delirious, the same insane, green man that dove off the scaffold in Dayton was booked for the show. I had met Delirious a few times prior to that so when I talked to him during intermission, I told him about the Dayton show and the creepy Asian massage incident. When I told him he immediately knew what I was talking about and agreed that it was extremely creepy that it was at a gas station.

So what does all this mean to you, the loyal readers of Tales From Ringside? #1 it's a public service announcement to avoid gas stations in Dayton, OH or just the entire state of OH. #2 Delirious is very polite so buy some of his merchandise at a show. Finally, #3 it's another example that I would probably have better grades if I wasn't a wrestling fan.

Hopefully you've found this disturbing story entertaining, but if not here is a clip of Delirious that will provide some entertainment.

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