Tuesday, April 12, 2011

RIP Larry Sweeney

I received a text earlier this afternoon informing me that independent pro wrestler, Larry Sweeney had passed away. Sadly, it’s usually not too surprising when a wrestler is gone too young, but I was extremely surprised when I was informed of Sweeney’s passing. At just 29, Sweeney began wrestling nearly eight years ago and was a main fixture of the PA indy circuit for years, appearing for both the International Wrestling Cartel here in the Pittsburgh area, the Chikara promotion around Philly, and even a stint in Ring of Honor at various spots around the east coast.

What made this particular death very tragic is that I’ve met Sweeney at several shows over the past few years and he was one of the politest wrestlers I’ve ever met. He was always really nice to anyone that would talk to him at the shows and the few people that I’ve talked to about his death have echoed the same statements. Sweeney was a tremendous entertainer and used an old school style. Weather it be as a heel or fan favorite, Sweeney could entertain a crowd.

Unfortunately, Sweeney had a very well documented battle with bipolar disorder over the past few years and it led to his appearances becoming sporadic as it caused him to leave ROH, make only a few appearances for Chikara, and only one appearance for IWC a few months ago. It seems as though Sweeney’s personal battles lead to the end of some of his working agreements, but sadly, it seems as though it was a battle that was too much for him. However, I think it’s important for the fans and people that knew him to remember the Larry Sweeney that entertained so many people in the past few years and not the Sweeney that was clearly suffering from a disorder during the final stages of his life. It’s an extremely sad situation that someone will so much talent did not live long enough to reach their potential, but a lesson that could be taken from this is that anyone that has any type of disorder should seek help.

Sincere condolences go to his friends and family.

Here’s a clip that will hopefully show how bright of a star Sweeney was in the ring.

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