Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Origin of The Raging Bull

When I started working shows, I knew I needed a stage name and I wanted it to have some type of meaning, at least to me. I decided to use my real first name and to use a different last name. Martin Scorsese’s classic film, “Raging Bull,” which is based on the troubled middle weight boxer, Jake LaMotta, was what I used to decide to use the LaMotta name. As I said, I wanted the name to having a meaning and I think one of the main themes in the film is that Jake LaMotta, who was portrayed by Robert Deniro in the film, showed that you have to be able to take the obstacles in your way and make it through them. The real life Jake LaMotta was known for being able to take a tremendous amount of punishment and showed perseverance in many of his fights, which were shown in the film during some brutal fight scenes.

Some people might think that the film is based on violence, but it really depends of how you view the context of the film and it could be a metaphor for persevering through different obstacles in life. For example, I have spastic CP and it affects my leg muscles, but I still find a way to work wrestling shows being a commentator. The LaMotta name to me is that I didn’t let CP stop me from being involved in the wrestling industry.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining because everyone has problems to deal with and that’s why I think anyone reading this can take something from the post. You can either let things keep you down or you can overcome them. While situations can be frustrating, it’s important to keep trying to overcome them.

Here is a clip of the film

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